
Thursday, April 2, 2009


We’re back home safe and sound! After two weeks in the lush, green, manicured, organized, right angle gridded, numerically logical, contemporary Greater Seattle, I was delighted to touch down in the far grungier, grittier, winter brown-gray, pothole-riddled, meandering unsigned roadways, of the far more elderly Massachusetts! It’s terrific out there - really. But after spending six out of the last 52 weeks away, home feels like the real world and I began to get the uneasy feeling that Greater Seattle was way too much like Barbie and Ken’s Dream House/Dream Neighborhood. I’m not talking Stepford Wives, just a preternaturally tidy and unsullied environment. Believe you me, I know this says way more about me than it does about out there!

We’re mostly unpacked. We’ve begun the laundry. We’ve slept almost enough to recover from the red-eye flight on the once again excellent JetBlue. The cats are home from the Kitty Spa and almost ready to forgive us. We remain grateful for your kindness and support. All in all, all is well.

More tomorrow...


Anonymous said...



Purple Ronnie said...

Welcome back:) I like the sound of New England a lot better ;o)

Hope that once you have settled and taken stock of all that's past in the last month, you guys will feel happier and lighter and more at peace with everything.

Lots and lots of love xxx

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Welcome home, I hope the cats don't punish you too hard.

Anonymous said...

welcome back