In addition to the dozens of robins on the playing field, there was a marvelous chorus of robins singing in the trees. Because our Canon PowerShot S2 IS has a little video feature, I gave it a whirl.
Hmmm... Let’s just say I need to give it another whirl!
This is the first time I’ve ever tried uploading my own video to YouTube and embedding it in Pink Granite. I can’t figure out why the big YouTube Logo appears some of the time and at other times a still from the clip appears. Any advice?
Be warned, the sound is better than the video. Perhaps you should close your eyes and treat it as an MP3! I’ve also provided a few still photos in case you keep your eyes open!
You take such beautiful pics Lee - it is awe-inspiring..!
Cool pics Lee, mind you, our robins look completely different to yours!
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks Roo!
I'll be darned! I thought a robin was a robin was a robin! I'll have to do some Wiki-ing!
- Lee
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