
Friday, December 22, 2006

The Eighth Night!

It all builds to a crescendo tonight as we remember a miracle. Gazing at the flickering flames we think about all the other miracles that have been recorded and retold down through the ages. Perhaps even more importantly, we think about the little miracles, the ones we take for granted, or nearly overlook in our daily lives. Sunrises, sunsets, a cat in your lap, a dog by your side, a thunderstorm when we are in the midst of a drought. Finding true love, and fanning those flames. Laughing, laughing until you can barely breathe and the tears are in your eyes. All the little courtesies and social graces, the please and thank you, having a door held open for you. Driving on your own side of the double yellow line, while everyone headed where you’ve already been, stays on their side. :: I wish you all kinds of miracles - medium, small, nearly invisible and even film-at-eleven-knock-your-socks-off spectacular ones!

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