
Monday, October 6, 2008

The Devil’s In The Details - Part IV

According to the Wall Street Journal, Senator John Sydney McCain III, age 72, will pay for his administration's healthcare plan with “major reductions to Medicare and Medicaid” .

Currently, 3.4 million seniors age 65 and older live below the poverty line. (The poverty line is defined for one individual as $10,400.) Millions more are barely making ends meet just above the poverty line.

That won’t be a problem for John McCain. Not including his wife Cindy’s very substantial income of her own, in 2007 John McCain received the following income:

Senate Salary..........$161,708
Book Royalty...........$176,508
Social Security...........$23,157
U.S. Navy Pension.......$58,358


“Them that's got are them that gets...”
- Ray Charles (listen here)

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