
Friday, April 2, 2010


Today, Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the Pontifical Household, delivered the homily at the celebration of the Lord's passion in St. Peter's Basilica. The liturgy was presided over by Pope Benedict XVI. In his Good Friday homily Rev. Cantalamessa discusses the priesthood in great detail. He also discusses violence in the world and makes the following statement: “I am not speaking here of violence against children, of which unfortunately also elements of the clergy are stained; of that there is sufficient talk outside of here.” O.K. He references the sexual abuse of children by priests, but chooses not to expound upon it. But at the very end of the homily, he compares the criticism of the Church about that very same sexual abuse and the decades long cover up, to anti-semitism.


The logic is unfathomable. Under this distorted logic the criminals become the victims; those who call out for justice and clarity become the oppressors. How can Rev. Cantalamessa, in the presence of Pope Benedict XVI, claim that criticism of the Church is discrimination? How can criticism of the hierarchy that moved priests, who sexually assaulted children, around from parish to parish and built a wall of secrecy; defended the indefensible, how can criticism of such shameful and illegal acts be discrimination? And how can such justifiable criticism possibly be compared to centuries of violent discrimination against the Jews?

You can read more in this Washington Post article.

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