There seemed to be two major camps in advance of the Royal Wedding. Either you were eagerly anticipating the event or you were seeking a complete media blackout until the couple was off on their honeymoon. I fell into the first camp. Unlike many here in the States, I did not set the alarm for 4:00 a.m. and have tea and scones at the ready as the festivities began. But the first thing I did upon awakening was find the best television coverage I could. I had hoped nothing untoward would mar the day. I had hoped that Kate’s dress would be stunning and completely unlike Will’s late mother’s gown. I had hoped that from start to finish the entire wedding and reception would have all the pageantry required, without tipping over into insensitive excess. Lastly, I had hoped that the vows would go smoothly, simply without the tangling of the order of names which had always stood out for me as such a troubling omen for Diana and Charles.
I was rewarded on every count. Most importantly, all the sincere romantic bits put me in mind of every other beautiful wedding I have ever attended - including when Chuck and I got married in our tiny living room almost twenty years ago! Will and Kate looked both happy and excited, while also seeming wonderfully settled and at ease with one another. I particularly loved all their quiet little exchanges. The dress was perfectly fabulous. The vows were lovely with nary a misstep. Their two kisses on the balcony at Buckingham Palace were certifiably adorable. The best surprise was Will and Kate driving off in that gorgeous Aston Martin Volante with Will at the wheel. The cherry on top? The fact that the Volante runs on E85 bioethanol, made from "English wine wastage"!
There are many anti-royalists in Great Britain and beyond. As an American, whose revered founding fathers threw off the crown, I have little right to speak. But it’s my blog so I shall! Without the Royal Family, without all of the trappings of the monarchy, Great Britain would be diminished. We give Great Britain all due credit for the seeds of our democracy and our jurisprudence system. But over the last century, Great Britain’s global influence has evolved and its “holdings” have decreased. If the British monarchy were abolished, Great Britain would eventually become just a unique political structure; England just another country. Despite all of the Royal Family’s occasional shenanigans and embarrassments, they continues to convey a valuable cachet outside of the realm. And I have to believe that cachet consistently translates into tourist cash.
That concludes the editorial portion of this post!
I am very happy that we were witness yesterday to such a delightful, charming and beautiful wedding. I wish the newly minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge every happiness. When the day comes that William becomes King, I hope that they serve sensibly and consciously; with the same grace, good humor - and environmental friendliness they showed yesterday!