
Monday, March 29, 2010

Da Dum, Da Dum, Da Dum...*

Thanks to WBZ Weather

: : We had a run of great weather; now rain for a few days; to be followed by more nice weather - bordering on the hot. But for some reason, this rainstorm has closed in on me. Looking at the next wave of rain headed our way, made me want to crawl into bed and pull the covers up and maybe over. Compared to many parts of New England facing another round of dangerous flooding, I have absolutely nothing to complain about. So I shall move on.

: : On a small town note, Chuck recently attended a Meet The Candidates night. (Here in Massachusetts, local elections are often held in the spring; national and statewide elections usually in the autumn.) You can read a statement published in the newspaper by a candidate running for local office. But you can’t beat seeing how they present themselves in front of their fellow citizens. It’s especially illuminating to listen and observe how they answer questions from those citizens. In some towns candidates run unopposed, or slates are empty. So we really are lucky to have folks interested in serving. I was unable to go, but I trust Chuck’s instincts. When he reported back and gave me some examples from the presentations and the Q & A, I felt ready to head to the polls.

: : This article and this photograph both made me smile. Chag Sameach!

*That title is supposed to evoke the theme from the movie "Jaws"!


Kate said...

Since our basement flooded with the last storm in Massachusetts just two weeks ago, I am keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't happen again! But this forecast doesn't look to promising.

Pink Granite said...

Hi Kate -
I hope you and your neighbors come through this storm O.K. What a long, tough spring this has been - especially nearer to the coast.
Good luck!
- A.L.