
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

”Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Mom
Happy Birthday to you -
and many more!

My Mom, Dorothy, is celebrating her 85th birthday today!
Yay Mom!


Wendy said...

happy birthday Dorothy!

did you know Lee we both have mothers with birthdays today. It is my mum (nana Fi's) birthday as well.
Scorpio mums are the best ( and the most scary!)

Pink Granite said...

Thanks Wendy!
I didn't realize your Mom, Fiona and my Mom share the same birthdate! That's so cool!
- Lee

Sue said...

Happy birthday to your mom!! Hope she had a fabulous day yesterday with lots of phone calls and spoils!! Sorry I'm a day late

Sue xxx

Pink Granite said...

Thanks Sue!
It was a smaller wingding than her family would have liked, but Mom dreads a party!
Plus, the family that gathers just before our Thanksgiving next week will also sing her "Happy Birthday"!
- Lee

barbie2be said...

Happy Birthday, Lee's Mom! I'm a scorpio too!

Fiona said...

Yes Lee, good people born on this day I would say !!! Scary Wendy Mora why on earth would you say that? We are Fun Mum's just don't cross us then our little stingy tails come up!!! Happy Birthay to your Mum Lee. Hope she had a fab day and was spoilt rotton. Fiona xx

Pink Granite said...

Thanks B2B -
All these great Scorpios!
I'll pass on your birthday wishes...
- Lee

Hi Fiona -
When I read: "Wendy Mora why on earth would you say that?" it made me laugh out loud!
I know I'm in trouble whenever my Mom includes my middle name!
Happy birthday again to you Fiona!
- Lee