
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Proposition 8 Follow Up

California’s Proposition 8, which proposed to amend the state constitution to limit marriage to unions between a man and a woman, was approved, via a Yes vote, by the voters on November 4, 2008.

During the Proposition 8 campaign, the Roman Catholic organization The Knights of Columbus was one of the biggest contributors to the “Vote Yes on 8” side. However, individual members of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints, the Mormons, at the behest of their leadership, contributed over 14 million dollars to the “Vote Yes on 8” campaign.

While it was Republicans and groups on the religious right who worked hard and poured millions into the “Vote Yes on 8” campaign, post election the approval of Proposition 8 has been repeatedly linked to the high voter turnout in the African American community, due to the enthusiasm for Barack Obama. People For The American Way, PFAW, has released a detailed statement which debunks this divisive rumor.

As I’ve written before, one of the most specious arguments against Gay Marriage has been proffered by a number of socially conservative groups, including the Roman Catholic Church. The legality of same sex marriage in no way intrudes upon who the Church, or any other religious organization, allows to marry. Yet they continue to inveigh that same sex marriage is an attack on the family and undermines the sacrament of marriage. In our experience, nothing could be further from the truth. Allowing more couples to publicly affirm their commitment and enter into legal marriages can only serve to strengthen our society.

I urge you to read the PFAW Memo which sorts truth from fiction.


Pinky's Pages said...

I think Ellen DeGeneres summed it up:

"Watching the returns on election night was an amazing experience. Barack Obama is our new president. Change is here. I, like millions of Americans, felt like we had taken a giant step towards equality. We were watching history.

This morning, when it was clear that Proposition 8 had passed in California, I can’t explain the feeling I had. I was saddened beyond belief. Here we just had a giant step towards equality and then on the very next day, we took a giant step away.

I believe one day a 'ban on gay marriage' will sound totally ridiculous. In the meantime, I will continue to speak out for equality for all of us."

... Hugs, xx

Roo said...

I can only reiterate these words - "We are not legislating, honourable members, for people far away and not known by us. We are enlarging the opportunity for happiness to our neighbours, our co-workers, our friends and, our families: at the same time we are making a more decent society, because a decent society is one that does not humiliate its members." - Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero - Politician & Spanish Prime Minister - leader of a largely Catholic country. Great and moving sentiment and words, if only other people could see beyond their own world.

Pink Granite said...

Hi Lailaa & Roo -
Thank you for sharing such thoughtful and inspiring comments.
Here in Massachusetts, where same-sex marriage has been legal since 2004, the sky has not fallen; lightning has not struck; heterosexual marriages have not fallen apart.
Life simply became more equal and fair for all citizens.
- Lee

barbie2be said...

ok, so... i voted no on prop 8. not because i am gay or because i live in a gay household but because EVERY person on this planet deserves to have ALL the same rights. frankly, i think we should abolish "marraige" and have only civil unions for everyone. then after that if you choose to have your union solemized by the church of your choice that is your business.

to have a ban on gay marraige is to tell a whole class of people that they are second class citizens.

Pink Granite said...

Hi B2B -
The overturning of the legality of same-sex marriage in California is an outrage.
I had not thought about your suggestion of state sanctioned civil unions for all and marriages only within religious settings.
I tend to disagree.
I know the fight seems long and uphill right now, but I think we should continue to strive for marriage equality. Plus, I think the change you propose would be seen as even more offensive to the the folks who voted "Yes" on Proposition 8 - and therefore a tougher battle.
- Lee