The website I am about to link you to is totally NSFW.
But it is totally worth a visit.
It’s called “Thug Kitchen”.
Their subtitle is “Eat Like You Give A F**k”.
My friend Morgan in Australia has a friend named “bec7ford” who is now a Twitter friend of mine. She linked to Thug Kitchen and my jaw dropped.
It’s as if someone turned Julia Child into a drill sergeant. Then had Rachel Ray punctuate her speech with expletives. Then crossed the two genetically modified women together.
If you are easily offended by profanity, don’t bother checking it out.
(Even I, who can swear like a stevedore, was initially a little put off.)
But if you are looking for some healthy food inspiration with great science behind it, presented in an unusually bold fashion, plus attractive poster-like images then visit
Thug Kitchen.
I am struggling mightily not to sign off in the style of Thug Kitchen... ;o)